Monday, 16 March 2015

My Type

For my type I decided to make a mood-board, I compiled this mood-board with quotes of a game called 'far cry 3' as i loved the look of it.

For my type I wanted to make something a little like the image below, so I printed a colour copy to help me.

Once I had looked properly I made a Photoshop document with letters A-Z in helvetica font.

I then proceeded to use ink and white paint to change the letters. I filled in the counters with black ink to create a filled in effect and used white paint to eat away at the edges.

After i had finished, I scanned it in and used photoshop to clean it up.

This was my final character set I used it in my emulation for a Jurassic park poster.

I cleaned the final image up by changing the threshold and levels, as well as scanning in a ripped piece of paper, and using Gaussian blur to make it work well  behind it.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Artist Copy

For my copy I decided to do the movie poster for the film 'The Godfarther'. This is the original poster.

I decided to use adobe illustrator, and started to draw up the text.

 This is my final copy(right) side by side to the original.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Photos & drawings of subject matter

These are my photos of subject matter. I decided to focus on forests and greenery as I cannot take photos of dinosaurs. Because I know that I will include forests in my final piece.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Annotated Story

I have taken the plot summary of Jurassic Park, and annotated along with screenshots from the film itself. The themes of the film are Adventure, Sci-Fi and thriller.